JW's blood policy results in a form of human sacrifice, they have policies that protect paedophiles, and they reject Christ's blood at their annual memorial. All traits of Satanism.
yadda yadda 2
JoinedPosts by yadda yadda 2
Letting JESUS refute the Watch Tower blood policies
by Terry inletting jesus refute the watch tower blood policies.
the watch tower bible and tract society represent itself as christian.. it represents its theology and policies as direct from jehovah god through his son, jesus christ.. further, the governing body of this corporation interposes itself between the mediator, jesus, and the rest of jehovah's (christian) witnesses for the purpose of "feeding them (spiritual) food at the proper time.. the official word of jesus christ is represented in the watch tower's policy on blood transfusions.. in 1998 this statement was made:.
jehovah's witnesses do not accept whole blood, or major components of blood, namely, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma.
New Policy on Inactive Ones?
by Cynisister inthis may have been discussed, but i just recently was told that a km this past year stated that inactive ones are now to be treated as if they are df'd.
is this so?
yadda yadda 2
I seem to recall a very recent statement in a publication that JW's should have no or reduced contact with inactive ones or members of the congo who show a 'critical attitude' or something. This may be what she's alluding to.
A Better World - Can it be achieved?
by fulltimestudent inthe hope of a better world is what attracted me (and likely many of you other loiterers (grin) on this site) into the mental mindtrap of christian thought.
i guess its understandable, re-reading the words that the author of the matthew gospel that we know as the sermon on the mount, its easy to think, that if jesus ruled the world, everything would be ok.. i'm still interested in a better world.
so have many other thinkers (and revolutionaries).
yadda yadda 2
Depends how you define what it means to make a 'better' world. Michael Jackson sang about making it a 'better' world by eliminating starvation. He was right. The moral obligation of the world to make it better is to first remove the worst kinds of suffering and then work our way up from there. How much 'better' is the world now then, say, 50 years ago when everyone in the western world now has digital phones but half the rest of the planet doesn't have fresh water and babies are still starving to death? This world is still semi-barbaric, only recently out of the dark ages.
Atheists, here is a 'balls' question ---even for all---
by prologos init is very difficult to knock a ball into a hole (like golf), throw it into a receiver's hands (american football) intercept it and knock it over the fence (american cricket).
or to put a sattelite at the right time at the right speed in the right direction in the right place to have it orbit another body, so :.
what ingenious natural & process is it, than can get 9+ zillions bodies to get into the right orbit simultaniously or sequentially and have them remain there for billions of years?
yadda yadda 2
No so much gravity but mostly electricity holds it all together.
CO's & DO's age 70+ to be laid off on 9/1/14
by williamhconley inin a private conversation with a c.o.
friend from north carolina, he told me yesterday that they just got a letter that all traveling overseers (do's & co's) age 70 & up are going to be laid off on 09/01/2014.
they will be asssigned to local congregations and further details are pending.. .
yadda yadda 2
Good job. But if they did this with the GB there'd be hardly any GB left. Even the frikken last Pope retired, but never the old farts on the GB.
Hardcore JW Friend Predicts the End of the Organization within 10 years.
by kneehighmiah inhad a conversation with an aspiring elder.
he said the end must be close because people are so discouraged that the organization can't last more than 10 years.
this is before we received the please come to the international convention letter.
yadda yadda 2
Yes, indeed 'expectation postponed makes the heart grow sick' - Prov 13:12
The organisation is SICK. JW's are SICK and tired of waiting, waiting, waiting, for the World Headquarters presumptous prophets old boys club pompous, pratful and pitiful prognostications to come true. Now the proud, pompous prat Watchtower prophets are begging for JW's to hang in there and keep attending the CONventions and donating. We'll I say 'f*ck you, I've had a gutsful!"
JWs no longer taking the Governing Body seriously.
by kneehighmiah inthe recent letter being us to come to detroit shows that jws are beginning not to take the gb seriously anymore.
the buzz following the meeting was that the letter was unprecedented in its tone.
this coming from long time jws of 30 years plus.
yadda yadda 2
Very true, Blondie.
Where are the scriptures to back up the highlighted assertions?
by Brainfloss in9 through his son, jehovah established an arrangement here on earth that works in harmony with the invisible part of the organization.
why is a visible arrangement needed to accomplish the work described at matthew 24:14?
consider three reasons.. 10 first, jesus stated that this preaching work would take his disciples to the most distant part of the earth.
yadda yadda 2
Although the word 'organisation' doesn't appear in the Bible, the word 'congregation' does. Lo and behold we see hundreds of different Christian religions today all with their own multitudes of congregations, each religion just as diverse and sectarian as what we read of respecting the 7 congregations in the book of Revelation.
The huge flaw in the Watchtower's assertions is that the wheat has already been separated from the weeds and gathered into a unified organisational storehouse. A huge lie and contradiction. Jesus obviously hasn't been in any parousia enthroned as king since 1914 and the sheep and the goats are even taught by the Botchtower as not being separated until the FUTURE. Doh!
Atheists I have a question....and some comments on spirituality (possible ranting may follow)
by Jon Preston inok i just thought about this because its been in the back of my mind deep in the subconscious goop where i store many a curious thing:.
what is spirituality to an atheist?
what is its meaning?
yadda yadda 2
Galatians 5: 22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
What is spirituality but to practise these 9 things? Many atheists do this a lot better than many Christians. .
The Atheist "Good News " !
by Phizzy insam , "kate wild", asserted that i am an evangelist for atheism, o.k then, here is the atheist "good news".. "there is no god, now relax and enjoy life"..
yadda yadda 2
So disbelief in God is necessary to relax and enjoy life?